Friday, March 12, 2010

Flight Reviews : Malaysia Airlines


This is Malaysian Hospitality means to me! Mereka ada buat peraduan tak silap saya berkenaan dengan apakah maksud Malaysian Hospitality kepada anda tak silap saya laa. Suruh tulis kat blog mereka. Tapi saya taw, mesti saya tak menang punya. So, saya tulis kat blog saya sendiri.

*Bunyi macam tak puah hati je kan? MEMANG PUN! Sedia je la ye? Suruh @AirAsia baca pun sedap ni... Haha

Untuk flight reviews kali ini saya nak ubah sikit format supaya nampak lebih detail sikit. Supaya semua pembaca sama-sama dapat merasai apa yang saya rasa semasa saya menggunakan perkhidmatan syarikat penerbangan kebangsaan negara Malaysia iaitu Malaysia Airlines.

Sebelum itu, saya nak bagi tahu. Apa-apa reviews yang saya tulis dalam ruangan reviews adalah berdasarkan apa yang alami sendiri. Bukan ikut-ikut orang ataupun saja nak best. So, apa-apa pun mari kita lihat dahulu butir-butir penerbangan saya.

Dubai International Airport - Kuala Lumpur International Airport
Flight : MH155
Date : Sat, 20 Feb 2010
Aircraft : Airbus A330
Class : Economy
Flight Duration : 6h 45min
Seat : 17A

Check - in
Petugas check-in itu sangat tegas. Hanya membenarkan penumpang membawa 25kg sahaja bagi kelas ekonomi. Ramai orang terpaksa mengeluarkan barang dalam bag bagi mengurangkan berat bag supaya berat bag itu selaras dengan peraturan yang dibenarkan. Sepengalaman aku, dalam banyak-banyak kali naik flight, ini merupakan keadaan paling tegas pernah aku alami. Tidak seperti Yemenia ataupun Kuwait Airways yang membenarkan daftar masuk bag walaupun melebihi had yang dibenarkan. Sepatutnya konsiderasi terhadap pelajar macam aku ini harus dipertimbangkan kerana pelajar itu bukanlah seperti penumpang lain.

Akan tetapi, memandangkan saya salah seorang dari ahli Enrich - Program keahlian Malaysia Airlines, kebenaran membawa lebih kilo sebagai bag daftar masuk dapat di lakukan sebagai keistimewaan menjadi ahli.

Penilaian : 3/5

Ada beberapa peringkat kebenaran untuk boarding ataupun masuk ke dalam flight. Pertamanya, keutamaan kepada orang kurang upaya seperti bagi mereka yang menggunakan kerusi roda dan sebagainya. Keduanya bagi penumpang-penumpang kelas pertama dan kelas perniagaan. Ketiga, bagi ahli kelab yang memegang jenis keahlian teratas iaitu Gold Club. Keempat, bagi penumpang ekonomi bernombor tempat duduk paling belakang sehingga tengah dan akhir sekali dari tengah ke paling depan bagi kelas ekonomi. So, saya tergolong dalam kumpulan terakhir.

Penilaian : 5/5

Sebelum masuk ke dalam cabin, ada troli yang menempatkan akhbar-akhbar tempatan (akhbar Dubai) dan akhbar Malaysia. Buat pertama kalinya saya nampak ada servis sedemikian. Boleh ambil secara percuma.

Penilaian : 5/5


Kerusi berwarna warni. Nampak ceria. Susunan teratur. Bersih. Wangi. Sejuk. Ini pesawat airbus. So, cabin nampak macam biasa. Akan tetapi cabin ini nampak macam dah buruk. Macam flight lama. Air-cond pun berbunyi bising (krokkkk...krokkk..krokkk) seakan-akan berpasir dalam air-cond. Sangat 'Beyond Expectation"

Penilaian : 3/5

Pramugari / Pramugara

Dalam flight ini mengikut perkiraan saya ada lebih kurang 10 orang cabin crew yang bertugas. 2 orang sahaja perempuan. Yang lain semua lelaki. Pramugari itu pun bertugas di kawasan business class. Di bahagian ekonomi semua lelaki. First time berkeadaan macam ini. Macam kelakar pun ada. Semua cabin crew kemas tak macam cabin crew syarikat-syarikat penerbangan di timur tengah. Kemudian, kita boleh bertutur menggunakan bahasa melayu dengan senang hati. Kira, belum sampai Malaysia, dah rasa Malaysia dah...

Penilaian : 4/5

Semua lengkap macam flight biasa. Ada bantal, selimut, majalah-majalah, katelog in-flight free duty, bekas mabuk udara (bekas untuk muntah). Seat luas. Tempat letak kaki macam biasa. Tapi seat hanya macam bas ekspress sahaja. Saya rasa seat bus ekspress lebih baik dari itu. Tak boleh nak bengkok-bengkokkan kat bahagian kepala kalau nak tido macam flight GulfAir. Legroom dia boleh tahan. Boleh jugak nak silangkan kaki. Tahap rebahan ke belakang, boleh laaa..

Penilaian : 2/5

Kena tutup lampu as they said " peraturan semasa berlepas" Ok. Accepted!

Penilaian : 4/5

Meals on board

Memula naik, dia bagi juice. Bagus. Saya suka. Sebab flight-flight lain biasa bagi air mineral ataupun tak bagi langsung. Ini bagi juice. Suke!

Kemudian makanan ada dwi-pilihan. Tak silap saya ayam dan daging kot. Tapi saya pilih ayam. Malangnya tiada kad menu diberi sebelum membuat pilihan. Flight-flight lain semua ada. Kata penerbangan 5bintang kan? Tak macam 5bintang pun. Sabar je la.

Apa-apa pun sudu n garfu nya menggunakan besi. Tak macam GulfAir. Dia ni macam Etihad.

Kemudian, di pertengahan penerbangan saya terjaga dari tidur kemudian saya minta air kopi. Tapi cabin crew tu kata, isyarat pasang tali pinggang keledar dinyalakan bermakna tak boleh mintak air panas. Takut tumpah katanya. Jadi saya minum juice saja. Masa naik Etihad sebelum ini, 3-4kali mintak hot chocolate tak ada masalah pun. 1st time dengar.

Akan tetapi, beberapa ketika selepas itu hidangan ringan dihidangkan bersama-sama dengan air panas sedangkan isyarat pasang tali keledar itu masih menyala. Nak je saya bertanyakan kepada cabin crew itu berkenaan dengan peraturan yang dia beritahu tadi. Tapi malas la nak buat hal. Nampak pulak macam baru 1st time naik flight. Just be professional.

Oh ye. hidangan ringan itu merupakan roti-roti yang sejuk dan keras! Saya jamah sikit je buat kunyah-kunyah. Tak makan semua. Siapa yang nak makan bende-bende sejuk macam tu kan? Ini ke yang dikatakan Malaysian Hospitality? Bagus. Orang Malaysia memang makan makanan yang sejuk-sejuk pun.

Penilaian : 1/5

IFE ( In-flight Entertainment )

NO PERSONAL SCREEN! Ini saya bagi -5/5. Haaaa..hambek kau!Tak pernah naik flight yang tak ada personal screen. Tapi bila naik Malaysia Airlines, boleh pulak tak ada. Sangat memalukan! Saya ada terbaca dalam web MAS mengatakan hanya pesawat jenis boieng yang ada menyediakan personal screen. Terpaksalah saya bukak leptop sendiri tuk tengok cerita. Terasa macam zaman 90-an pulak naik flight tiada personal screen.. ye la.. Malaysian Hospitality..

Bukan lah nak kata tak ada entertainment langsung. Ada je dia bukak cerita dekat screen depan. Tapi itu stail zaman bila ntah. Slow la MH ni. Bende ni paling mengejutkan saya laaa..Kata 5bintang.. hurmm

Penilaian : -5/5

IFI ( In-flight Info)
Dah personal screen tak ada. IFI lagi la tak ada. Sekadar captain die cakap macam tu je.. Bla..bla..blaa...

Penilaian : -2/5

Bila time saya tertekan butang panggil cabin crew tu dia datang Bila time saya nak panggil betul-betul, tak datang pulak. Bila dah datang, saya mintak air. Tak datang-datang. Tak tahu la lupa ke apa ke kan. Terpaksa mintak lagi sekali kat cabin crew lain pulak. Haiz... Sedih la macam neh Malaysia Airlines..

Ada tempat letak baby. Bagus la. Flight lain pun biasa ada je.

Dapat earphone, tapi saya punya tak berfungsi masa itu. Saya pun malas nak mintak lain sebab tengok leptop n dgr ipod saja.

Boleh bertutur dalam bahasa melayu dengan cabin crew.

Pengumuman-pengumuman dan label-label dalam cabin pun banyak ada tulih dalam bahasa melayu.

TAK ADA DISEDIAKAN penebat telinga, penutup mata, stokin. Kecewa

TAK ADA DISEDIAKAN uncang souvenir macam Qatar Airways ataw GulfAir

TAK ADA tisu panas mahupun tisu wangi untuk refreshment sebelum mendarat.

Penilaian : 1/5

IFDF (In-Flight Duty Free)
Saya seorang pengumpul model flight. Bila lihat kepada katelog duty free. Saya berminat untuk membeli model flight MH. Biasanya kita boleh membeli on d spot dengan harga bebas cukai katanya. Akan tetapi apabila saya bertanya kepada cabin crew berkenaan dengan model flight, saya d kecewakan lagi kerana jika ingin membeli model flight hendaklah melalui online order ataupun melalui pos. tidak ada di jual di dalam cabin. Haizzz....

Penilaian : 0/5

Macam 1st time nampak disediakan macam cologne, after shave, hand soap ada laa... Macam-macam botol-botol kecik dalam tu. Boleh ambil dan pakai.

Penilaian : 4/5

Ok sahaja.

Penilaian : 4/5

Pengumuman ketibaan dalam bahasa melayu dan ucapan "Kepada rakyat Malaysia, kami ucapkan selamat kembali ke tanah air" itu sangat menyelamatkan keadaan tidak puas hati semasa penerbangan.



Penilaian : 1/5

Secara jujurnya saya menjangkakan mutu perkhidmatan yang bertaraf 5bintang seperti di war-warkan ditawarkan kepada penumpang Malaysia Airlines akan tetapi saya telah tersilap jangkaan. Perkhidmatan MH SANGAT MENGECEWAKAN lebih baik naik flight lain sahaja yang menawarkan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik.

Kelihatan MH seakan-akan terlalu untuk cut-cost perkhidmatan sehinggakan saya merasakan seperti menaiki sebuah penerbangan tambang murah sahaja. Lebih baik naik AirAsia yang memang low cost, tapi rasa seperti penerbangan 5bintang!

Saya memilih untuk terbang bersama MH adalah kerana ini mungkin merupakan penerbangan saya yang terakhir kerana saya telah pun menamatkan pengajian saya. Jika sebelum ini saya katakan saya memilih RJ kerana seolah-olah Jordan 'menghantar' saya pulang, dengan menaiki MH saya ingin merasakan bahawa seolah-olah Malaysia mengalu-ngalukan kepulangan saya ke tanah air seperti yang di janjikan Malaysian Hospitality. Akan tetapi... Gagal! Saya kecewa!

Maka tidak hairanlah ramai orang memilih syarikat penerbangan yang lain untuk ke destinasi pilihan kerana memilih Malaysia Airlines bukanlah satu pilihan yang tepat! Dan tidak hairanlah syarikat ini semakin lama, semakin rugi dan hanya mengharapkan suntikan kerajaan ke dalam akaun syarikat bagi memulihkan akaun syarikat.

Jika ada sahabat-sahabat yang bercadang untuk membuat tindakan seperti saya, dari Jordan naik RJ kemudian tukar flight naik MH pulak. Saya nasihatkan agar batalkan sahaja niat anda itu kerana anda pasti akan kecewa seperti saya. Lagi pun keadaan sangat menyusahkan! Anda di kehendaki check-in 2x. Sekali di Amman dan sekali di Dubai. Barang anda akan keluar di Dubai dan anda terpaksa check-in lagi sekali bagi laluan Dubai-kuala Lumpur pula.

Jika anda naik flight biasa, sekali check in di Amman sahaja. kemudian anda berlenggang sampai ke Kuala Lumpur untuk ambil semula barang anda. Mudah bukan?

Oklah. Penat dah ni. Nak tido. Babai

39 Orang Berani Mati:

lutfi said...

x perlahh...kalau mcm ni naik Yemenia la...mana lagi Yang adooo... MAS ke YEmenia?? hahahaha....

anap_ilmi said...

MAS lagi yang ado! SAY NO TO MAS! Malaysian Hospitality ntah apa ke benda ntah...Propa sangat!

Aqilah Aziz said...

Malaysia Hopitality is crap!aku naik flighy balek seoul pon mcm hampeh.baik naik kapal laot.

anap_ilmi said...

tu laa..sgt kecewa ye tuan2...tutup je la...memalukan

Malaysia Airlines Travel said...

Dear Ahnaf,

Thank you for sharing your flight experience with us. Allow us to explain that it is an in-flight policy that our cabin crew is not allowed to serve hot drinks when a flight is experiencing turbulence, and not just because the seatbelt signs were on. This is for the safety of both passengers and our crew, in case of spillage. Admittedly, the crew should have taken the effort to serve you the coffee you requested as soon as it was possible to do so. We are sorry that your other repeated requests made to our crew were not met. This is unacceptable and we will highlight this to our In-flight Services team for further internal remedial measures against the crew who was working on the f light.

Likewise, the poor food quality and in-flight entertainment system will be addressed We agree that our existing A300 aircraft do not have the full inflight entertainment equipment similar to our B777 & B747 aircraft. As you may already know that we have placed 25 new Airbus A330-300’s and 35 Boeing 737-800’s on order, and the first aircraft would be delivered late this year.

We truly apologize if the flight experience was not to your satisfaction, and we thank you once again for the constructive feedback which really helps us in making improvements in areas that require attention.

Pauline Chang,
Customer Relations,
Malaysia Airlines

::alifdalmim:: said...

tak per Pauline Chang..anap ni dia tak tahu yg pesawat MAS A330 tak de personal screen spt yg dia idam2 kan..tu yg frust sgt2 tuh...hehehe..

btw, thanks ye anap..on behalf die hard fans MAS jugak aku ucapkan terima kasih kerana sudi menggunakan perkhidmatan Malaysia Airlines..nnti MAS da ada A380 kita naik sesama biar review ko ni bertukar mood..hahaha

~i don't believe it.never~

anap_ilmi said...

Dear Pauline Chang,

Thank you for your concern about my reviews.

For me, as a Malaysian, I'm really proud of Malaysia Airlines, our very own national airlines. But it become really sad because our national flight carrier is really 'beyond my expectation'. I thought that MH is a very gud enough among others. But it's not.

Why i shud choose MH for my next flight if the service is bad? OF coz I'll find another carrier to fly me. I bet u will do the same thing too if u r not satisfied with the service that the company promised to you. Better pay less for the same service such as go for LCC (just for example).

So,i think u noe what to do now. Make a change! For the sake of Malaysia Airlines...

anap_ilmi said...

Dear ::alifdalmim:: << ttb dgn kau pun nak dear2 jgk..haha

bukan aku tak tahu. tp a little bit surprise that MH still dont hv private IFE. what a shame! Ko pun byk naik flight kan? pe perasaan kau kalau ko sgt beyond expectation dgn sesuatu ttb 'beyond expectation'

maka, jadi la macam aku. aku ingt segala2nya ala2 sempurna.. sudahnya... SEMPURNAAAAAAA.....

Anonymous said...

nice review.. punya flight takde IFE ek..too bad.. dh la 6 hours punya flight..

maybe u should try MH flight to london... ni yang boeing punya.. IFE dia ok jgk..latest movies, banyak utk lagu2 pun ada..

the food was ok, standard punya meal.. tisu panas, sejuk, wangi pun dia provide.. souvenirs and the little2 things (socks, slippers, eye cover etc..) pon ada, but sometimes u hv to ask..hehe.. i enjoyed my ride..

anyway..welcome home..semoga semua ilmu anda dapat dimanfaatkan sebaiknya..amiin..

anap_ilmi said...

yekee...tu laa...ada gak yg ckp mcm tu...tapi sebabnya...i naik middle east punyer flight semuanya best..tu yg naik MH ttb jadi mcm ni...sentap!nasib la kannn....

Mother of Two said...

dolu2 masa poket penuh mmg avoid naik MH pasal takleh tgk movie. Serious boringkan..tapi MH akan tukar new flight tahun 2011 utk route DXB-KL so ada ICE dalam tuh nanti....tapi skrg mmg we all choice to fly with MH pasal naik flight lain pun sama teruk ajer...:)anyway selamat pulang ke tanah air tercinta!!!

anap_ilmi said...

tu la tuu..tak taw nak buat apa xde IFE.erm,flight lain ok sahaja.gulf,etihad,emirates even kuwait pun best...MH paling teruk << mungkin bagi laluan dubai - kl atawpun mungkin nasib saya masa tu kann..haizz

Nleina said...

Salam Anap_limi..

A good review. Quite a cynical one too. Could you really judge an airline from one flight? Perhaps only you could do so..

"MAS is always my nightmare" - If it has always been a nightmare, perhaps you should review your decision making. Why fly with MH then..

Baggage allowance - in early years, despite its baggage policy, MH hardly imposed fee on extra baggage allowance. Hence, making it a favourite airline to travel especially for the Indians. When Idris Jala implemented Business Turnaround Plan, only then, MH became hardcore on its baggage policy. This should not be an issue at all as other airlines are doing the same thing. This is also one of the way your fav Air Asia making its profit.

During night take-off and landing, it's a safety regulation to have the cabin light off. This is to accustom our eyesight to the exterior environment; saving seconds during emergency evacuation.

Usually, in a set of operating cabin crew on a flight, a proper number of female & male crew are assigned. Yet, the figure would change as the crew might swap her/his flight with other crew, crew reporting sick, availability of female/male crew during standby.

As for landing, it does not only depend on the experience & skill of a pilot, but it is also influenced by the airport location & the wind etc.

I agreed, based on history, numerous times government asyik rescue MH. Then again, MH is a GLC. When a good MD is on board making good decision, then government will decide to change its MD. come another moron to mess things up. And now, as their Business Turnaround Plan is working positively, MH is on the right track of enhancing its products & services. Hopefully the new fleet of aircraft will be something worth waiting for.

I'm a frequent traveller. I have a choice to either fly with MH or any other airlines. Nothing bet the feeling when you hear "To all Malaysians, Selamat Pulang Ke Tanahair" as the aircraft safe landed on Tanah Melayu. Despite its old aircrafts, MH has been internationally awarded with numerous awards by signified associations ie Skytrax.

Then again, every experience is unique in its on way..

Just my two cents...*peace*

anap_ilmi said...

"MAS is always my nightmare" - If it has always been a nightmare, perhaps you should review your decision making. Why fly with MH then..

-Becoz im owez love to try different flight for every my trips
-just wanna to feel the "malaysian hospitality" as they told the world..

This is also one of the way your fav Air Asia making its profit.

-opps...correction!my fav airlines is ETIHAD

I'm a frequent traveller. I have a choice to either fly with MH or any other airlines. Nothing bet the feeling when you hear "To all Malaysians, Selamat Pulang Ke Tanahair" as the aircraft safe landed on Tanah Melayu. Despite its old aircrafts, MH has been internationally awarded with numerous awards by signified associations ie Skytrax.

- Skytrax shud feel 'the malaysian hospitality' before they awarded MH..lallalala ~

Nleina said...

Salam again, Anap_limi!

Ain't this fun..

Becoz im owez love to try different flight for every my trips
* I wonder how many milages u have collected *hmm*

Just wanna to feel the "malaysian hospitality" as they told the world..
* Well, if you are associating Malaysian Hospitality to gadgets & technology in comparison to other airlines, then it is sad.
* What MH is advertising about its Malaysian Hospitality is its Cabin Crew. Too bad you didn't get the to experience the human factor of Malaysian Hospitality.
* I suppose the operating crew could sense the your hostility.

Opps...correction!my fav airlines is ETIHAD
* Well, kiddo.. Everyone has its preference. If you care to know, mine is clearly MALAYSIA AIRLINES

Skytrax shud feel 'the malaysian hospitality' before they awarded MH..lallalala ~
* Perhaps you should reassess your learning skill as a student.
* Don't be too quick to shout when u're ignorant.
* "The Skytrax mission statement - without fear or favour - is paramount to the loyalty of our clients in the airline and airport industries. Strict adherence to the principles of true impartiality and honesty has been a major force behind the reputation that Skytrax enjoys enjoys across the globe. Whatever project we undertake, it is bound by strict rules, and managed in a manner to ensure that every client receives true added-value from Skytrax."

Edward Plaisted, Chairman, SKYTRAX GROUP
* Oh ya...lallalala ~

Wasting my 2 cents...again *peace*

anap_ilmi said...

Do i care? I only write in what I feel and what I experienced with my own. No matter if that is not my lucky day i have been treating like dat. But if it is really 5star airlines, i shud feel the real 5star hospitality all the time.but it is not!

If i feel good, i do give a compliment. (plz refer to my previous flight reviews with GulfAir n Etihad) but if its not..i go for complaining. i paid for the services ye...

If you do not agree with what I wrote here, go write yourself at ur own blog..

MH is owez nitemare to me!

lalalala ~ This is My Way. So, I did it my way ~

Nleina said...

Oh lalalala....

Marah nampak..
Tagline komen "Berani Mati.."...
If you are agitated, block readers from commenting on ur blog.

My humble opinion (if I may) ~ Kita nie org Melayu, ada adat sopan santun. MH really do need to improve on its standard of service and aircraft. Ur review, mine and other Malaysians are important. It doesn't help to condemn, suruh tutup etc. Sepatutnya bagi healthy suggestion.

Buruk macamana pun, beribu org cari rezeki di bawah bumbung MH dgn izin Illahi.

Psst : Block ur blog to public, Open only to invited readers. Therefore, u won't have to deal with readers who disagree with ur opinions & reviews.

And correction - "MAS had been a nightmare to me.."

anap_ilmi said... melayu ingtkan org puteh. penat fikir ayat nak karang dlm english..sgt lama tinggalkan english sejak dikelilingi oleh orang-orang arab sahaja.. whoaaa ~

Marah nampak..
-xmarah pun..itu pendpt ia kan je.pendapat saya adalah pendapat saya..nak marah2 pun tak guna jugak sbb yg pastinya pesawat airbus MAS akan tetap tak ada personal screen ye..huhu

If you are agitated, block readers from commenting on ur blog.
-opppsss...that is very not me utk block2 readers from commenting on my blog.nak tulih apa pun tulih je...ada aku kesah?

-orang melayu yg penuh dgn sopan santun itulah yg memerlukan komen2 yg makan dalam supaya orang melayu neh bangun..klu tak,asyik rasa selesa dgn apa yang ada tanpa melihat,membandingkan diri dgn yg lain.

-lagi 1,org melayu ini sgt hangat2 tahi ayam je..time kene2 gini mcm2 la suh itu ini kan...esok2?Melayu mudah lupa ~

Buruk macamana pun, beribu org cari rezeki di bawah bumbung MH dgn izin Illahi.
-ye la,semoga semuanya sihat sejahtera dan gembira hendaknya berbumbungkan MH.jgn malas2 bekerja.bekerjalah seikhlas mungkin demi memajukan MH di masa hadapan..jangan sampi sy naik lain kali pun rasa samaa je ~ lalala

Psst : Block ur blog to public, Open only to invited readers. Therefore, u won't have to deal with readers who disagree with ur opinions & reviews.
-never!my blog is owez open for all.kalau sape yang xsuka tu..xpyh baca..

And correction - "MAS had been a nightmare to me.."
-TQ!sy mmg xreti sgt pun english2..berpeluh2 bukak google translate nak tulih ayat kat atas2 ok least boleh refresh balik my english yg dah tinggakan berzaman tu

Uiii..sukenyer dpt type dlm melayu.rasa puas je.

Azlan Reeza said...

Dear anap_ilmi.

I pon nak komen jugak terhadap servis MAS nie..I nie mcm Fans kepada MAS lah sebab cousin2 ,sepupu- sepapat dan kerabat2 I semua berkhidmat dalam Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia nie.

I sentap jugak dgn servis drg tue, First time I naik flight ke Penang dengan pst Airbus A330-200 ada IFE screen di hadapan seat, then dia tnjukkan safety Video lps tue trs dia padam langsung X buka2 smpi Disembark dkt Next airport. alngkah geramnya rasa...

Experience ke-2 ketika my Flight Ke Penang jugak, Dia tgh bagi Juice then dah hbs minum. Cawan tue ada dkt tgn I..Then dia buat saja nampak, lps tue I sound dia dpn passenger lain, merah muka trs collect cup. Geram jerk. This 5 Star Service!!!!...

Tapi pengalaman I balik dari PEN - KUL best, sebab I satu flight dgn abg I sebab dia cabin Crew..Layanan mmg 5 bntang hbs siap dia bg souvenir dan kwn2 abg I layan I mcm Putera raja dlm flight tersebut.

Pengalaman dgn Air Asia lagi best jugak, mcm Keluarga sendiri. Ramah dan mesra time my flight dari KUL -LGK dan LGK-KUL, syok gila Leading stewardess dia nama Fiona.

MAS should improve Quality dia lagi.. X puas hatilah!!!.

anyway my email :

anap_ilmi said...

tu la tuu..saya neh sbnrnyer bukan la xsokong MAS neh.sokong sajew.malah berbangga lagi dengan MAS sebabnya orang kenali MAS neh dgn 5star services katanyaaa.. bila saya cerita dekat kawan-kawan oversea saya,semua kata saya beruntung mempunyai syarikat penerbangan 5bintang..

akan tetapi,yg menjadi puncanya di sini,bila saya naik,sangat,amat,terlalu (bak kata pak nil kan?)tidak seperti penerbangan bertaraf 5bintang. itu je puncanya..

kenapa boleh jadi mcm tu?

kenapa perlu bergantung pada nasib? ada laluan yg memberi layanan yang bagus, ada yg tak bagus.kenapa tidak sama rata?

Masa saya naik flight tu kan,elok2 duduk sebelah pelancong yg nak dtg melancong kat Malaysia, terus saya tukar tmpt duduk lain. bukan apa,sebab tak nak die tanya saya "flight malaysia mmg mcm neh ke?" dah,sy nak jawab apa kan?sebagai rakyat malaysia,sy amat berasa malu dgn syarikat penerbangan yg membawa nama malaysia ke mata dunia..

nasib baik la tulih kt blog je..klu rasa buat aduan rakyat ke,apa ke..lagi MAS malu..

*alahai penerbangan 5bintang ~

Anonymous said...



Syaz Izvan© said...

Dear anap_ilmi,

It is a pleasure to read the whole comments updated above and feel like to drop by for a while just to share some of my review as a frequent flyer for the past 20 years. I will try to be transparent and fair enough in my commenting, as I do not get any pay to give any supporting statement and condemning neither. But some people do.

First of all I feel sorry pertaining your nightmare experience that you had with MAS on your sacred journey back to hometown. I was quite surprised with everything you have stated against MAS and it is totally unacceptable. I would have to write the same thing too if I were in your shoes. But here, you must understand that some people are being paid or benefited by MAS so you will notice they are seem to be always unfair in commenting.

I have flown many times with MAS and so far I have no problem at all with the MH motto especially the services. Most of the features are the best inline with the status as the 5 star airlines. I would say the cabin crews are the best too and in fact I never have any problem with any airlines cabin crews include Airasia. Thanks God.

Nevertheless, the nightmare you experienced has awaken me from all the sweet moments I had with MAS before. Of course, I am certainly agreed in every single word you have expressed against MAS as your very honest review to convey the dissatisfaction on their service. I believe this should not be happened especially on the 5 stars airlines but unfortunately you had been the chosen one to feel regretted on MAS flight. Remember it is such gratitude to have that kind of experience as some people never have, you should know who they are.

Somehow, I quite upset with ‘Pauline Chang, Customer Relations, Malaysia Airlines’ on her feedback replied. It is so fake and lame statement, which is not helping at all to satisfy the passenger. Perhaps she should go for a better training as CR officer, or she tries to be bias amongst the passenger’s status. Well it happens! And the word ‘apologize’ seems to be the easiest way to satisfy you, just for the sake of her job anyway.

Last but not least, I would say do not give up, give yourself a chance to experience the real 5* MAS service in the future as I give myself chance to other flight as well. I wish your nightmare would turn to a beautiful sweet dream when you fly with MAS next time. Be good and take care!


Syaz Izvan© said...
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Syaz Izvan© said...
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anap_ilmi said...


naqiu said...

so far.. my experience with MAS is always good.. it really does show MH or malaysian hospitality..
once, i travel alone to the states, the steward/des really care bout me.. they supply me with nuts just before disembarking.. its my first time to the states and in someway that help, do go along way.. it does somehow make me feel stronger that i'm not alone.. it really does show malaysian hospitality.. btw, i forget my flight itenerary back then.. it was in 2005.. for IFE, i would give MAS 10/5.. it is surely my most amazing experience.. although it was almost 24 hours journey (including stockholm transit).. i just can't have enough of the IFE.. it feels the journey is like KL to Damansara.. so short.. I also dont have to double check in during transit.. as for limit for luggage.. I would rate MAS -10/5.. I am experiencing the same thing.. during my journey home.. from Minnesota to New York, I use a few airlines as I make a few stops..I bring the same amount of luggage all the way without having any trouble.. suddenly in when I was checking in in New York, I was told I have to pay around usd 200 to bring all the luggage.. as I'm alone and quite late.. I just pay the amount.. during that time I'm a student.. Can you feel me? As for announcement in Malay.. it really feel like home.. there is still a lot of room for MAS to improve.. and they should improve it soonest!..

Anonymous said...

hye i just stumbled upon your blog && i wanted to share my experience with mas, which was A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!
when I was on my way back from Sydney to Malaysia, I was on BUSINESS CLASS and I paid almost 10 k (RM) for the ticket (one way). I was hoping that I'd get a princess treatment, but t was just a dream. It all started when I wanted to reach my bag from the overhead compartment && there was not air hostess there to help me. I saw one of them in front and gave him a sign to help me. I was so shocked when he actually asked me to JUMP to open the overhead compartment (just so u know, am just 149 cm tall). It was ridiculous and I was so pissed ! I'd expect better treatment as I was on Business Class !! before i slept, i asked for milk, and it took the air hostess 400 million years to bring my ,milk!! WTH. Malaysian Hospitality konon! terrible3 service!! The best service on Business Class so far I had with Emirates && Singapore Airlines. After that experience with MAS, i'd never ever fly with MAS ever again. I pay extra for extra comfort, but I got shit treatment. So no more flying with MAS after this!! Dissapointing!!

anap_ilmi said...

sabar cik..sabar....sabar je la dgn Malaysian Hospitality pun akan fikir dua kali kalau nak fly again wit sy tak la sekejam kata maybe my bad luck..we will see for my nx flight very soon...klu tak best jugak..siap lah

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say la bro... Bayar ciput nak service lebih-lebih. Naik le dlm business class yooo....

Anonymous said...

sediakan payung seblom hujan .macam ni tak de sapa la nak keje mas kalau 10 customer camni.nak attention lebih bayar lebih la doi bila dah takde attention snap gambar crew pastuh buka ngadu fb twitter .come on la dah mmg kalau journey 8 12jam mmg sah letih .give n take takleh?patutla hospital banyak pesakit .tanak duit keluar duduk diam2 tengok tv kalau student .kalau aku tak kisah sangat servis kejadah nye janji selesa dan alhamdulillah selamat ke destinasi .

bila time demo cara nak pakai topeng laluan emergency semua.. endah tak endah .time dah terjadi kecemasan kecil haaa.... macam2 ragam ada sampai nak saman pilot la pelbagai .tapi diorang ada la strategy .. senang citer sewa je jet peribadi .nih economy apa class bro nak high expectation .

Anonymous said...

nampak sgt ko seekor monyet yg first time naik flight. biasalah org Malaysia especially Melayu. bayar ciput tp nk service yg maha mulia.

jgn la asik dok jual status ko yg konon student masa tu. semua nk free, semua nk "waived". lain airlines lain la peraturannya.klu semua penumpang mcm ko mmg la mana2 airlines pn lingkup.

sukati mak bapak ko lah nk naik Etihad ke, Qatar ke, Emirates ke, Royal Jordanian ke, Yemenia ke hatta El Al Israel Airlines ke tp yg penting klu melayan seekor penumpang monyet mcm ko ni jgn kata economy class tp klu upgrade first class pn tetap ko nampak cacat celanya.

MAS x perlukan customer mcm ko ni. ramai lg yg nak naik MAS.

Secret said...

Bagi saya,naik MH best!!lagi best dari AirAsia,Etihad,Firefly sume sangat..rasa mcm dkt istana!!landing pun best!soft landing lah kirenye

Unknown said...

Bli flight sendiri je lg senang...mcm2 bleh buat..sekian....

Anonymous said...

Aiyooo...walauopon ni post lama tp tetap..metaliti xmaju langsung, bikin malu je bro blaja jauh2...

Bayar kelas EKONOMI bro, nk bajet duduk 1st class, come on laa...mentaliti org melayu..yess3!!! duit xnak spend, tp servis nak yg maha mulia...WTF!! yg bab guna alasan student tu pon sama..pliss la...ko tamat belaja sepatutnya matang dan sedia dah nk tempuh cabaran alam kerja, tetiba masih guna alasan yg mcm xnak keluar dari pampers lg...come on...malu la org melayu jenis mcm ni..

Anonymous said...

It depends on how we act to the situation. I have flown many times with MAS and other carriers too. My personal opinion is MAS still the best in term of services on board. You have no difficult to ask for helping from FA. My father is an expatriate, so we move from one country to another country. A year 4-5 times i have traveled by myself to see my family. i would choose MAS instead other carriers. i read of the comment and feel shame that you said about cawan kat tangan and you expect them to collect?why don't you ask them to collect instead of let them know your body languaage. i think most of Malaysian who ever flight to overseas feel that they are rich enough. come on...change your mentality. i think you should try american airlines sometimes and you will know how worse they are.

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